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Tightening up relationships with Italian universities and businesses

VC-A’s managing director, Christophe Schwoertzig and VC-A Member, Kerem Gurses, met in Rome on the 11th day of April 2017 to discuss alternative ways of developping transactions with Italian universities and businesses.

Kerem is professor of Organisation Theory at leading Italian Luiss University and former Strategic Lecturer at ESCI Barcelona.

Kerem Gurses (left) and Christophe Schwoertzig (right)
Kerem Gurses (left) and Christophe Schwoertzig (right)

Christophe and Kerem discussed digital strategies, M&A services and the possibility of developing international partnerships with Luiss university.

We will look at ways to develop partnerships between Luiss university and universities in the US and China the like of the New Jersey Institute of Technology or Hubei Polytechnic University by leveraging the relationships that we are developing through the Council for Trade and Investment Promotion (CTIP) said Christophe Schwoertzig


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